College Vaping Etiquette: Better Manners for Higher Education

The college years can be some of the most fun, exciting, fascinating, and formative of anyone’s life. You’ll never forget your experience at an institute of higher learning, so it’s important that the memories you make are good ones. In order to make the most of the experience, it’s important to keep a few rules and etiquette considerations in mind. That includes vaping etiquette. First, and most importantly, pay attention to the legal vaping age in your state. Don’t jump the gun!
Whether you’re a beginner with a fresh, new vape starter kit, or an adult vape vet returning to college later in life, keep the law, and etiquette, in mind. Consider some of the following general university vaping etiquette guidelines and suggestions.

Don’t Vape Underage

You’ve got plenty of time to enjoy the vaping hobby, so wait until you’re the right age. Check your state’s laws about vaping ages, which commonly range from 18 to 21 years old. If you’re interested in vaping, you’ll likely still be in college when you’re old enough to start. Remember to keep these etiquette issues in mind.

Don’t Vape in Class

This one may seem obvious, but college is a time of new experiences, exploring boundaries, and sometimes, pushing societal norms. However, that shouldn’t include vaping in class. Even if you’re sure you’re being unobtrusive next to an open window, there’s a near certainty you will be noticed. Not only will that be embarrassing, but some (many) schools have rules about on-campus vaping and breaking those rules could have real consequences. Some states also have blanket laws banning indoor vaping completely!

Be Prudent About Charging

Being prudent about charging your vape device has a few facets to consider. Perhaps most important is safety. It’s never a good idea to leave your vape device charging unobserved, particularly for long periods, like overnight. You should also make sure that you’re using the recommended cables and chargers from reputable manufacturers.

Chances are excellent that while in school, you’re going to be sharing space with other people in a dormitory, apartment building, or rented house. Not everyone is going to react the same way you do to delicious vape flavors, and other people may need an outlet for charging a phone or laptop. For the safety and convenience of everyone around you, be aware of your charging habits.

You Probably Shouldn’t Vape in Dorms

Apart from its strict prohibition in many, perhaps most, dormitories in the country, vaping in dorms is just not a great idea. You’re vaping around people you don’t know, so you don’t know how they’ll react to vaping. Not just how they’d react based on their feelings about vaping, but, rare as it is, they could have an allergic reaction to one of your vape juices. Even if your roomie is a fellow vaper, it’s simply best not to risk it. The same goes or a fraternity or sorority house.

Many of Those Rules Apply Off Campus Too

While the campus rules may be stricter than state rules, remember that even off campus you should be aware of vaping rules and etiquette. You want to be sure that anyone you are sharing a house or apartment with is OK with you vaping in the living space. Be aware and considerate of other people if you’re riding in a car, even your own! Be an ambassador for vaping and vapers everywhere and be considerate. Remember that some states prohibit vaping in all indoors and many public locations. For the sake of having a better time in college, and the reputation of all vapers collectively, have good vaping etiquette.

About Mt Baker Vapor

Mt Baker Vapor has been providing vaping enthusiasts with a wild, delicious, and awesome selection of e-juice flavors since their founding in 2011. They also provide quality vape hardware, the option of picking up your vape juice wholesale, and any accessory a vaper could need. Mt Baker Vapor’s commitment to the vaping community and vape activism continues to elevate to their stellar reputation. They’re widely considered to be among the leading providers of e-cigs, vape accessories, and vape juice flavors in the U.S. Their passionate customer service and amazingly fast shipping certainly don’t hurt either! If it can contribute to the enhancement of your vaping enjoyment, Mt Baker Vapor will have it on hand.

Check out their selection of incredibly tasty vape juice and terrific vape hardware, at


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