4 Common Misconceptions About Vaping

Vaping is, as societal trends go, a pretty new one, only having been widely practiced since the mid-2000s. And anything new can draw controversy. Additionally, vaping also involves the inhalation of a substance, vape juice in a variety of e juice flavors, which often contain nicotine. 


However, controversy is not always a bad thing. It can help raise awareness of issues, result in the study and discussion of said issues, and is often a necessary societal step before something is generally accepted. What is bad, however, is when that controversy is tainted by inaccurate information and misconceptions. What follows are four common misconceptions about vaping. 

Misconception #1: Nobody Knows What’s in Vape Juice

That vape juices are full of mystery chemicals is often accepted as a simple reality by those not real familiar with the production of those vape juices. Some of the ingredients you’re typically going to find in most mass-produced vape juices are vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol; often, but certainly not always, nicotine; and natural and artificial flavors. There’s no reason for the manufacturers of vape juices to add much of anything else. Doing so would increase the cost of making those e cig juices, and there’s not much to be gained by adding mystery ingredients.

Misconception #2: Vape Juice Contains Harmful Antifreeze

The “there is antifreeze in vape juice” myth comes from the common inclusion of propylene glycol. Before you cancel that order of vape juice wholesale though, note that while propylene glycol can be used as a nontoxic anti-freezing agent (table salt melts ice too), it is not the antifreeze ingredient people get worried about. That is ethylene glycol. Ethylene glycol is toxic. Propylene glycol is used in asthma inhalers and any number of food products. Many types of antifreeze use water for their formulation and include starch as an additive. So calling propylene glycol “antifreeze” as though it’s dangerous makes as much sense as calling water and starch “antifreeze” because they can also be features of antifreeze formulas.

Misconception #3: Public Vapers Are Turning People Against Vaping

While there are always going to be a few people who are going to be irresponsible with any activity, the concern that vapers are being given a bad name by those vaping in public doesn’t seem to be all that supported by reality. In general, most vapers tend to limit their vaping to the designated places and routine times. Additionally, according to the research, people are far, far more tolerant of vaping than they are of smoking, and most are more likely to ask someone to stop smoking versus stop vaping in public. 

Misconception #4: Some E Cigarette Products Have as Much Nicotine as 20 Cigarettes!

Technically, this isn’t a misconception as much as it is an irrelevant and misleading point. Someone could just as accurately and just as irrelevantly point out that two packs of cigarettes can have as much nicotine as 20 cigarettes. However, since cigarettes and vaping both involve ingesting nicotine in single doses, rather than all at once, the amount of nicotine overall that comes in a package is, again, irrelevant. For a really impressive statistic, consider that a carton of cigarettes can have as much nicotine as 400 cigarettes! But, as with vaping, one isn’t meant to inhale it all at once. And it’s worth pointing out that you can often select vape juice with different nicotine levels to suit your preferences.

About Mt Baker Vapor

Since 2011, Mt Baker Vapor has provided the most delicious vape juice along with the best vaping hardware to enjoy them with to vapers across the country. They have become one of the premier providers of e juice flavors, vape pens and mods, and every possible accessory for them due to their passionate commitment to vaping and the vaping community. Their amazing customer service and tremendously speedy shipping certainly doesn’t hurt either. In addition to their incredible proprietary flavors, Mt Baker Vapor partners with many of the industry’s top suppliers in order to stock a huge selection for their customers. Whether you’re looking for a vape starter kit, advanced sub-ohm mods, or even vape juice wholesale, Mt Baker Vapor has you covered.

Enjoy the best e cig juice, vaping hardware, and accessories from Mt Baker Vapor, at Mtbakervapor.com


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