Six Things You Should Know Before You Get Into Vaping

For those considering vaping, it can seem a little bit intimidating. The hardware is unfamiliar, there’s often a huge selection of both devices and juices, there are different nicotine levels… Some would-be vapers decide it’s simply not worth it. The huge majority of vapers, however, would tell you that’s a mistake. Vaping is as popular as it is because millions enjoy it and recognize how user-friendly it is, particularly with a good vape starter kit and a little bit of information. You’ll have to get the starter kit, but some of that information can be handled here.

Nicotine Content Matters

Vape juice is produced with a range of nicotine content. The more common nicotine content ratios include 3mg/mL, 6mg/mL, 12mg/mL, and 18mg/mL. Although there are nicotine-free flavored juices and nicotine content as high as 24mg/mL and even 36mg/mL available. Without a doubt, the best way to introduce yourself to vaping is to ease into it, particularly in regard to nicotine content. All too often a smoker hoping to switch to vaping goes for a high-nic juice right off the bat due to a heavier cigarette habit and finds themselves nauseous and light-headed. The nicotine delivery system is simply not the same. Start small and adjust.

You Might Cough the First Time

There’s a common misconception among non-vapers that vaping is like inhaling a flavored steam you barely notice. While it’s virtually universally agreed that vaping is not as harsh as smoking, it will almost certainly be an unfamiliar sensation the first time, meaning even smokers might cough. That’s normal and is almost always a first-time-only event.

Find a Good Supplier

Just as with diving into vaping with a too-high nicotine content juice, beginners can be turned off if they get low-quality vape juice. Great vape juice flavors are one of the absolute highlights of vaping. Find a reliable supplier with a good reputation—a trusted online vendor is often a great choice and will offer a wide array of vape juices. These steps will ensure that you’re only vaping the best.

Etiquette, Expectations, Rules, and Reactions

This one can be a little complicated (but easy enough to sort out). It’s a mistake to assume that since vaping is aerosolized flavor-vapor and not cigarette smoke, it’s generally OK indoors and around non-smokers/tobacco users. But this is not necessarily the case. Some places allow vaping indoors, and some don’t. Be sure it’s OK before you vape. So far 11 states have banned vaping anywhere smoking is banned. However, it’s also a mistake to assume that therefore vaping and smoking are comparably accepted. It varies widely, but the public consensus does seem to lean toward vaping being more tolerated.

There’s Some Maintenance

Like anything else, while the vape hardware and the variety of selection can initially seem foreign and intimidating, a little familiarity makes it real straightforward. That being said, vape devices do require a little bit of basic maintenance and upkeep to function optimally and for the best experience. Most of that maintenance involves replacing the batteries, the coil, the wick, and generally keeping the device clean and inspecting it to be sure it’s functioning properly. Instructions for that are often included with a device, in a vape starter kit, or through a trusted online vendor.

Most Importantly…

Find some great vape juice flavors and enjoy yourself!

About Mt Baker Vapor

Since being founded in 2011, Mt Baker Vapor has served up the tastiest vape juice flavors and the the highest quality vaping hardware. Their passion and commitment to the benefits of vaping and the vaper community has established them as one of the premier e cig juice, hardware, and accessory providers in the industry. Of course, their incredible customer service and amazingly fast shipping doesn’t hurt either. Along with their proprietary, delicious vape juice flavors, they’ve partnered up with some of the other top suppliers out there to provide a huge variety for their customers (and retailers), from a basic vape starter kit to advanced sub-ohm mods, often at wholesale prices.

Experience the best vape juice, accessories, vape hardware, and everything else you need for high-quality vaping with Mt Baker Vapor, at


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