Common Newbie Vaping Mistakes to Avoid

Nobody wants to be a “newbie.” And like anything else, getting into vaping without doing any research on e cig juice or devices, or otherwise educating yourself about the basics, increases the chances that you’re going to make newbie mistakes. To be clear, everyone makes mistakes, it’s part of the learning process. But newbie mistakes are the avoidable ones that even beginners should be able to avoid. These mistakes can result in both personal discomfort and more public embarrassment. While the following isn’t a comprehensive list of every newbie vaper mistake to avoid, at the very least, it’s a good start.

Buying Low-Quality Vaping Hardware

No one likes to spend more money than they have to, and many a beginner vaper decided they were going to get the least expensive model of vaping hardware available because of the thought: “What’s the difference?” Much of the time it’s new vapers buying a cheap mod or whatever device to “save” 10 or 20 bucks. But in doing this, unfortunately, many a newbie vaper has received a subpar piece of vaping hardware. Vape devices are electronic devices powered by batteries, and although it is rare, a cheap device can increase the odds of having a battery backfire. Far more common among cheap devices is having a mod that leaks or draws poorly or results in dry hits, etc. All things considered, it’s worth investing just a little more in your vaping hardware.

Buying Low-Quality Vape Juice

Buying low-quality e cig juice is often an unfortunate choice because the vaper is missing out on how great those flavors can taste. Plus, vaping unpleasant-tasting juices can turn someone off of vaping altogether because they simply haven’t had the good stuff as a basis for comparison. Do some research, find a good vendor (online, if you’re looking for greater diversity of products and flavors), and gather a variety of delicious e juice flavors. You won’t regret it.

Being Too Ambitious with Your Device

When doing your research, it can be easy to get enthusiastic about the options for vaping. There seems to be an entire world of vaping mods, pens, and devices in hundreds of colors, styles, options, etc. Then there’s the specialized vaping hardware and modifications and accessories. As impressive and exciting as a lot of it may seem, start slow. Get a simple, ready-to-run vape device before you decide to start experimenting with advanced sub-ohm mods, etc., and work your way up.

Being Too Ambitious with Nicotine Content

Similarly, start with a low nicotine content before working your way up. Many a new vaper has thought, “I smoked a good bit, I’m going start with the highest nic content juice.” Only to find that, 5 minutes later, they’re sitting down, green-faced and light-headed, cursing vaping and vowing never to try it again. Even if you were a heavy smoker, don’t start with the highest nicotine concentration available. Even if the concentration is comparable to the amount of nicotine in a cigarette, the delivery system of a vape device is a lot different than the delivery system of a cigarette. So get used to the new dynamic gradually. After all, you have to walk before you can run. Good luck vaping!

About Mt Baker Vapor

Since their founding in 2011, the Mt Baker Vapor team has been serving the finest vape juice, most delicious vape juice flavors, and the best vaping hardware to their family of customers all over the country. Along with a great variety of the finest products, Mt Baker Vapor’s friendly, informed customer service staff and incredibly fast shipping keep customers coming back for more. In addition to their own tasty vaping juice flavors, they have partnered with other high-quality suppliers to ensure their customers (and retailers) access to a wide variety of e cig juice options and fantastic vape juice wholesale prices. And as always, the Mt Baker Vapor team is committed to carrying the highest quality vape juice and hardware while continuing to advocate for vaping and its benefits.

Experience high-quality vape juice, hardware, accessories, and so much more with Mt Baker Vapor at


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