When to Upgrade Your Vape

Vaping requires specialized equipment and a little bit of know-how to get up and running. With this special equipment comes the need to inevitably upgrade to a new or different device altogether. If you feel like your vape just isn’t the same anymore, then it might be time for you to upgrade, which can be an exciting time for many vapers. Even so, you might not be entirely sure if it's time to upgrade just yet. 
Whether you’re on your first vape starter kit or have been rocking a box MOD for a few months now, here are a few ways you can tell that it’s time to upgrade your vape. 

You’re Using an Outdated Vape

The vaping industry is relatively young, and trends are coming and going more and more every year it seems. With this, you may find that advancements in recent vaping technology have left your vape hardware in the dust—and that’s okay! In most cases, newer technology will provide you with more control over the experience so you can also enjoy a better inhalation altogether.

So, if you feel like your cig-a-like or other vape has gone the way of the dodo bird, look into something newer and more up-to-date with the latest technology, and from the very first pull, you’ll be happy you did.

You’re Not Getting the Hit You Crave

Many factors can impact the quality of every pull on your vape. From the juice to the atomizer to the electronics built-in, you might find that over time you just aren't getting the same hit as before. Many vapers experience this, and it's nothing out of the ordinary. While you can change out some components of the vape depending on the model and style that you use, in some cases the only option is to upgrade.

Once you upgrade, you’ll find that you have a better vaping experience and can easily scratch the vaping itch and appease your cravings. So, if you feel like your vaping quality has reduced significantly, it’s probably time to start shopping around. 

Vape Juice Doesn’t Taste Good

If you’ve stuck with one vape juice for an extended period, your taste buds will notice if the flavor ever changes. Sometimes it can be that your vape juice provider has tweaked the recipe, but other times it could be because your atomizer is old and needs an upgrade. If you’re using an older-style vape without replaceable parts, then it’s a good time to look for something with replaceable parts so, should your e juice start tasting burnt or “off” in the future, it’s a quick fix. 

You’re Curious

Even if there’s nothing wrong with your current vape, there’s no denying the hobbyist factor behind vaping hardware. From box MODs, to sub-ohm vaping, to pod systems, and beyond, there are countless vape variants available on the market to try. If you’re curious about the different types of vape hardware or want to switch up your style of vaping, there’s nothing wrong with giving a new model a try. The same goes for different vape juice flavors, for that matter.

About Mt Baker Vapor

Since 2011, Mt Baker Vapor has supplied people across the country with the vape accessories and vape juice they need at fantastic prices. They have incredibly friendly customer service and speedy shipping so you can get the vape hardware you need sooner rather than later. They also work with other businesses through a vape juice wholesale program so customers can buy their premium vape juices from their neighborhood store. The Mt Baker Vapor team is dedicated to providing high-quality products and promoting the benefits of vaping.

Find your new vape at Mtbakervapor.com


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