Six Things You Should Know Before You Get Into Vaping

For those considering vaping, it can seem a little bit intimidating. The hardware is unfamiliar, there’s often a huge selection of both devices and juices, there are different nicotine levels… Some would-be vapers decide it’s simply not worth it. The huge majority of vapers, however, would tell you that’s a mistake. Vaping is as popular as it is because millions enjoy it and recognize how user-friendly it is, particularly with a good vape starter kit and a little bit of information. You’ll have to get the starter kit, but some of that information can be handled here. Nicotine Content Matters Vape juice is produced with a range of nicotine content. The more common nicotine content ratios include 3mg/mL, 6mg/mL, 12mg/mL, and 18mg/mL. Although there are nicotine-free flavored juices and nicotine content as high as 24mg/mL and even 36mg/mL available. Without a doubt, the best way to introduce yourself to vaping is to ease into it, particularly in regard to nicotine conte...