
Showing posts from July, 2019

How to Help Friends and Family Members Switch From Smoking to Vaping

Almost all of us have an impulse to share the things we appreciate and enjoy. It’s what makes it so satisfying to get someone into a band or recommend a movie or book they end up loving. When it comes to sharing something like vaping with friends and loved ones, though, that impulse can be even stronger. There are a lot of good reasons to switch to vaping—some people do it to quit smoking and some people just do it for the fun e cig flavors. For some tips on how to help friends and family members switch from smoking to  vaping, read on.  Why It’s Worth It As mentioned, there are a whole lot of reasons to switch over from smoking to vaping—finding vendors with delicious vape juice flavors being just one of them. One is also able to get rid of that stale smoker’s smell, enjoy the return of sharper senses of smell and taste, and much more.  Getting Them Started One of the most common barriers to vaping among even those who are open to switching over is simply commit...

A Vaping FAQ for Anyone Interested in Trying E Cigarettes

When members of any group that shares a common interest write about that interest, there can be a tendency to assume a high level of reader knowledge. They might use lingo and phrases unfamiliar to the layman. The information available on vaping, the use of e cigarettes and e cig juice , can certainly be that way. One of the most basic assumptions a lot of the information out there takes for granted is that people know what vaping is! That’s not always the case. So if you’re unsure about what vaping is or have some questions about it generally, read on, the following covers some of the basics.  What is Vaping? What Are E Cigarettes? “Vaping” is the use of e cigarettes, and e cigarettes are devices (most of which don’t look like cigarettes, though some do) used for vaporizing e cigarette juice/vape juice. E cig juices are virtually always flavored blends of either propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin and nicotine in suspension. There are vape juices without flavor but with ni...

Unexpected Benefits of Switching From Smoking to Vaping

People love vaping for all sorts of reasons. The variety of vape juice flavors is a common case for switching, replacing the smoking smell with much more pleasant aromas. Some people use vaping as a way to quit, or simply to more easily control their nicotine intake. There are a great many other benefits, too. It Can Change Your Entire Perspective This change isn’t a certainty, of course, but it can be the most profound and important benefit of switching over. Particularly when you’ve unsuccessfully tried quitting a number of times, smoking can become symbolic of features of a life you’d like to change but can’t. Quitting smoking by switching to vaping can be profound. Many find their senses are improved and the smoke smell is banished, among other benefits. It can also result in a change of perspective. Quitting smoking is not an insurmountable hurdle. With vaping, it’s achievable for many more people, and it can be extremely liberating. Switching to Vaping May Relieve Symptom...