Tips to Keep Your Box MOD Running Smoothly

After you get your first box MOD, you’re probably ecstatic about how high-tech it is, along with the new vape smell that accompanies it. All of the parts fit seamlessly together, and as soon as vaping juice primes that coil, you get a smooth, satisfying hit. Unfortunately, after two or three months of constant vaping, you’ll find that it just isn’t the same. The hits don’t produce as much vapor, the device is a little dirty, and the threaded parts are full of gunk. If properly maintained, box MODs can last for years. But if you find yourself buying a new one every year or so (unless you just like having the latest and greatest), you can follow these tips to keep it running smoothly for the foreseeable future. Clean It Regularly The first habit you should get into is cleaning your box MOD on a frequent basis. Before you change vape juice flavors , you should rinse out your tank with warm water. For more intense cleaning, grab a cotton swab or mic...