Sub-Ohm Vaping: Is it Worth Switching Over?

In the past few years, sub-ohm vaping has gone from a niche hobby for techy-vapers who liked tinkering with mods, to a mainstream phenomenon that countless vapers swear by. Whether or not it’s for you, as is so often the case, varies from person-to-person. The best way to decide whether it will or won’t work for you is to learn more about it and give it a try. What Is Sub-Ohm Vaping and What’s the Right Equipment? Understanding the principle behind sub-ohm vaping requires an understanding of the basics of Ohm’s Law, which demonstrates that the higher the electrical voltage passing through a conductor, the lower the ohm-resistance. The atomizer coil in traditional vape devices features a resistance of between 1.5 and 3 ohms. Any tank with an atomizing coil offering a resistance of less than 1 ohm is a sub-ohm unit. Lowering the ohm-resistance of a conductor—in this case the atomizing coil—allows more current to pass through it. The more current that passes through...