Vaping to Quit Smoking: How to Make It Work

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re aware that there’s a debate raging over whether or not e-cigarettes (vaping) can help people quit smoking. Studies can be found to support either side and there’s no shortage of (often passionate) opinions on the issue from the pro- and anti-vape camps. It never hurts to do research on any subject, but to some degree the debate doesn’t matter. The fact is, everyone’s different and what works for one person, may not work for another. Statistics for or against the success of quitting smoking via vaping are irrelevant if it’s a method that works for you—and countless people have successfully quit smoking by switching to vaping. However, there are definitely some steps you can take to increase the likelihood that you will be one of the people who have kicked cigarettes with vaping. Be Prepared for an Upfront Investment There are a few things you should be prepared for when making the transition from smoke to vapor. Whil...